Corporate social responsibility
We recognize that the specific nature of the coal industry requires additional attention to corporate social responsibility, notably regarding the environment, our workforce, and the society. Our corporate social policy program focuses on the personal and professional interests of each of our employees and the preservation of our ecological surroundings.
The Environment
Sadovaya Group has adopted a forward-thinking environmental protection policy when it comes to our operations. In addition, we have identified coal recovery from coal waste deposits as a long-term priority business direction. One of the key benefits of this direction is that it will help clean and rehabilitate the landscape and the environment of Ukraine’s Luhansk and Donetsk Oblasts for future generations.
Sadovaya Group strives to provide our employees’ children with additional care. Each summer, we arrange health improvement programs for the children, and we support school institutions, including orphanages, by supplying them with equipment, materials, and fuel. To top it off, our New Year’s gifts bring joy to the kids we care about most.
Coal mining requires special attention to health and to physical and mental strength. We care about the health and well-being of our employees, and we set aside funds for employees to undergo rest and treatment programs at health resorts and recreation facilities.
Sadovaya Group aims to give back to society by contributing to its development. We help improve the infrastructure in the towns and villages around our production sites by helping to finance the modernization of heat and water pipelines, electricity networks, and roads.
Sadovaya Group often provides support to local medical centers and museums, the elderly and others in need.